January 6, 2024

Scioto County Sheriff David Thoroughman states that on Friday, January 5, 2024, the 9-1-1
communication center received a call at 1:12 pm from a residence on Houston Hollow Road. The
resident stated that two males attempted to break into their home and after the resident confronted them, they took off on foot. A deputy responded, began the investigation and patrolled the area looking for the suspects.
Sheriff Thoroughman stated that the 9-1-1 communication center received call at 2:32pm from a male victim stating that he was pulled off on the side of the Vern Riffe Drive. This is the road leading to the Scioto County Career Technical Center (SCCTC) located at 951 Vern Riffe Drive, Lucasville, Ohio.
The caller advised that he was sitting in his locked truck when an African American male,
approximately 5 foot 10 inches, approached his passenger side window. The caller advised that the male was brandishing a firearm, pecking on the window, telling him to get out of the truck.
The caller advised that when he did not exit his truck the suspect shot through the passenger window, almost striking him in the face with the bullet. The victim advised that he then exited his truck and the suspect took the truck and headed toward the school.
The school resource deputy assigned to the SCCTC, Deputy Logan Shuff, heard the gunshot and
observed the truck with a shattered window quickly drive around the guard shack at the entry to the school parking lot. The truck headed back towards Houston Hollow Road as Deputy Shuff attempted to stop the vehicle, using his emergency lights and siren. The suspect refused to stop and a pursuit was initiated.
Sheriff Thoroughman stated that the suspect headed south on U.S. 23 as other deputies and detectives responded to assist, along with the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The suspect side-swiped a semi-truck near Houston Hollow Road and U.S. 23. As the suspect was fleeing south on U.S. 23, he threw items from the truck at the pursing deputies. The suspect later advised that he did this in an attempt to cause the deputies to wreck, so that he could get away.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol were able to set up Stop Sticks on U.S. 23 however, the suspect was able to avoid them. The suspect continued south towards Portsmouth, traveling at approximately 120 mph. The Portsmouth Police Department was contacted and asked to set up Stop Sticks on Scioto Trail, as well as, assisting in clearing intersections for safety.
The suspect turned west onto U.S. 52, reaching speeds of approximately 140 mph. As the suspect
continued westbound on U.S. 52 the Adams County Sheriff’s Office was contacted for assistance,
asking for Stop Sticks to be set up. As the suspect was fleeing, heading into Manchester, he wrecked into a ditch, damaging the truck. The suspect was able to reenter the roadway, continuing westbound.
The Adams County Sheriff’s Office were able to set up Stop Sticks at mile marker 14, outside of
Manchester. The suspect was able to avoid those Stop Sticks, however in doing so he crashed into a guardrail at 3:08 pm. The suspect refused to exit the truck when law enforcement ordered him to.
The suspect resisted, struggling with law enforcement, attempting to grab for the firearm that he had in the truck. The suspect was removed from the truck through the driver’s door window. The suspect continued struggling with law enforcement and attempted to bite a deputy’s hand, twice. The suspect was taken by Adams County Emergency Medical Squad to Southern Ohio Medical
Center, where he was treated and released.
Arrested was Christopher Lorenzo Peake Sr., age 40, of 2127 Pogue Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio. Peake has been charged with Aggravated Robbery with a firearm specification, repeat violent offender
specification, violent career criminal specification and a school safety zone specification, a felony of the 1st degree, Felonious Assault, a felony of the 2nd degree, Tampering with Evidence, a felony of the 3rd degree, Failure to Comply with Order or Signal of Police Officer, a felony of the 4th degree, Resisting Arrest with a Deadly Weapon, a felony of the 4th degree, Attempted Burglary, a felony of the 2nd degree, Assault of a Police Officer, a felony of the 1st degree, Having Weapons While Under Disability, a felony of the 3 rd degree, Operating a Motor Vehicle without a Valid License, a misdemeanor, Reckless Operation, a misdemeanor of the 4th degree, and a Parole Holder out of Kentucky. Peake is being held without bond and will appear in Portsmouth Municipal Court on Monday, January 8, 2024.
Sheriff David Thoroughman stated that this is an ongoing investigation that will result in more charges being presented at the Scioto County Grand Jury on a later date. Anyone with information should contact Detective Sergeant Jodi Conkel @ 740-351-1091.
Sheriff Thoroughman would like to thank the Ohio State Highway Patrol, Portsmouth Police
Department, Adams County Sheriff’s Office, and the Winchester Police Department for their
assistance with this multi county pursuit involving an armed and dangerous individual.